Recent content by SujoyyBANNED

  1. S

    Help with PHX!

    Hello guys, I have recently bought PHX, it's VPS hosted, but when I enter hotel the client dc's, and then this link comes up. http://localhost/gordon/RELEASE63-34096-33779-201105271559_8358af37d0a45b7e58dc35b0cd7fb90b/ Can someone please...
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    im out

  3. S

    Introduction hello

    Hey, welcome to devbest. Enjoy your stay here!
  4. S

    How Do I Set Up A Hotel With Phoenix?

    Search on google, jk's. Right, 1st you need a VPS. Download XAMPP on teh VPS and set your pw and shiz. Upload the cms to c:/xampp/htdocs Upload your 'sql' to your database. Set up emu and run as admin. Hope this helped.
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    PhoenixPHP Edit - Small and easy to find way around.

    Sexy, but looks like an edit of MyCMS tbh.
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    Retro-LifeCMS Made by : J3ffry and D3m0n , HabGlow hotel ( coming soon )

    Doesn't look good, looks like a template you downloaded.
  7. S

    Introduction Hey guys!

    W37c0m3 t0 d3vb35t - Welcome to devbest
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    [3] Win a Minecraft Account [3]

    Fresh Hotel​<3
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    Whats your msn?

    Obv I came up with the name 'Online-FM' ;) [email protected]
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    Oooft sexy. When do ya think your gunna finish all pages? (me etc.)
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    Throne Recolour [SWF]

    What if it's a virus? ;o people don't download it - it might be a virus
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    Coco Furni [uber]

    I cba posting virus scans download it or gtfo.
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    Coco Furni [uber]

    On my other account I have like 120 so yah. And why would I do that?
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    Coco Furni [uber]

    u blind man? there's a screenie to show proof it works/no virus.. -.-
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    Coco Furni [uber]

    Hello Here are the Coco Furnis. This is only for UberEMU. The guy who made it is working on Phoenix. You can try it on Phoenix but I/the person who made it haven't tested it for PHX. Catalog_pages: INSERT INTO `catalog_pages` (`id`, `parent_id`, `caption`, `icon_color`, `icon_image`...