Recent content by Rawdog

  1. Rawdog

    Client error

    Tried changing databas to no awail... I tried in Mozilla black screen im going to clear my cache EDIT Cache no awail still the same HELP
  2. Rawdog

    Client error

    Ok i start up my XAMAPP and i login and press log in and i get this <image link
  3. Rawdog

    port forwarding and adding ip

    Ok so im going to make a retro i dont know how to add ips or port forward
  4. Rawdog

    catalogue error

    Ill try re naming it to car. see if that works if not ill post a video.
  5. Rawdog

    catalogue error

    I did add the swf to hof furni and did add the line
  6. Rawdog

    catalogue error

    did it still
  7. Rawdog

    catalogue error

    I got my hotel running added a new item and its white in the catalogue and i have black box
  8. Rawdog

    Help me with my Hotel

    Ok now what should i do now i cant see it in the catalog *edit* i got a black box now
  9. Rawdog

    Help me with my Hotel

    i cant launch my client RevCMS. I have grey screen
  10. Rawdog

    Help me with my Hotel

    Hi im making a retro and im going to install and i dont know how