Recent content by Mango2735

  1. Mango2735

    R35 Help

    It just dc's once the client loads
  2. Mango2735


    Does anyone know how to fix this error not found:;9:13:42 AM-handleDisconnect-Login Handler Class-Connection was disconnected: info;T=9:13:42 AM
  3. Mango2735

    R35 Help

    Im using an r35 emulator and dcrs, but right after the client loads, I d/c. I don't know if it is the emulator or the dcrs. And I get these errors in my database. not found:;1:11:51 PM-handleDisconnect-Login Handler Class-Connection was disconnected...
  4. Mango2735

    Emu error

    Does anyone know how to fix this error, im using a r35 emulator and I dc once i get on the client. Idk if its dcrs or the emulator, because I've changed both. But this is the error i get in my db, t not found: club_habbo.bottombar.text.member;12:23:47 AM-handleDisconnect-Login Handler...
  5. Mango2735

    v26 code.

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knew the C# code for a v26 (holo) emu, to increase a users speed? Thanks.
  6. Mango2735

    v26RP client help

    But it does that for every other test emu i use also.I think its the _Username part in this code, but I still need help.. please. this.userID = myID; DataRow dRow; using (DatabaseClient dbClient =...
  7. Mango2735

    C# Help Command

    #region :ancm <message> the add a string for the message...
  8. Mango2735

    v26RP client help

    hello, Im using the habborp emulator. And everytime i get on the client it says error please contact player support, and then d/c's. I looked on the log and this error was there: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Cannot find column 0. at System.Data.DataColumnCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)...
  9. Mango2735

    Service Retro Banner

    Background: 2nd image Hotel Logo: FantasyRP Text: Where Your Dreams Come True|Shockwave|24/7|Making Miracles
  10. Mango2735

    Medieval Weapons

    Hai, Im working on a project and would like to know if some one can pixelate a axe, mace, and shield, and wand Thanks, In these directions ..
  11. Mango2735

    Pixel Punching Bag

    I need a pixel punching bag. They need to be rotated in this direction: please .. -thanks
  12. Mango2735

    V26 Emu Help!

    Just make another account, and make it your admin. Then it should work.
  13. Mango2735

    FrostRP Emulator

    lol Make a fake account of me? lol get a life .
  14. Mango2735

    Webhost Cms Help..

    Hello I made a RP , And i'm hosting the cms on webhost & the server on a VPS. But yet when i start the server it works perfectly and connects to the db. When i get on the client i cannot connect to the hotel. Please Reply with help. Thanks
  15. Mango2735

    [Open-Source] Blackbird [RP, r63]

    Nice Work Man!