Recent content by Major

  1. Major


    You´re welcome!
  2. Major


  3. Major


    I hope you like it.
  4. Major

    [M] New signature

    Hi, I've made a new signature, i think this one came out better. Rate pl0x. Rgrdz,
  5. Major

    My creature needs some feedback.

    Thanks all!
  6. Major

    My creature needs some feedback.

    Hi, I've made something for the first time, in Photoshop CS6. Don't laugh please :D Rate or hate. Regards
  7. Major

    GTA V How do you like GTA V?

    The game looks very good to me. I love the sidemissions also. If you think that 69 missions isn't enough, maybe you shouldn't play long :P. I REALLY like the cars. It's also fun how you can change between characters. But the best things are: THE HEISTS. So freaking awesome.