Recent content by LiamC

  1. LiamC

    Thank you PeakRP

    @Haid @CosmoPeak reopen peak everyone is waiting!! Since peak is closed no one could open a good RP.
  2. LiamC


    When is the opening of your game? It’s about 8 months already lol..
  3. LiamC


    I played with vpn on another account.. and yes I know what you mean but I need the codes maybe..
  4. LiamC


    yes i know it but i don’t know how to do. Do you have it on habborp? cos when i was online on your game i only saw a black screen..
  5. LiamC


    Hey @Haid I have been trying to code instant roomload the way you had it on Peak. I managed to load the rooms without getting a black screen in between loads, but I can't figure out how to unload the previous furniture. Is there any chance you could tell me what I need to do in order for it to...