Recent content by jessy

  1. J

    Why was my account suspended from thehabbos.

    Alright close the thread I don't have time for this.
  2. J

    Why was my account suspended from thehabbos.

    Like i said kid, I own both retros. static / habplus are completely different owners. And common this is a joke you're taking it way to far it's a voting site. And why are you all getting involved All i asked was where does it state this maybe you should 'add it to your register' so people know...
  3. J

    Why was my account suspended from thehabbos.

    Due to the fact that i own both retros, i don't see anything wrong with it. cheating. It's not cheating woopdedo i have both my retros voting for each other. And i would like to know where the rule can be found stating that i can't do this. common sense. really..
  4. J

    Why was my account suspended from thehabbos.

    And where does it say that i can't do that as other hotels have done it in the past... regards -Jessy
  5. J

    Why was my account suspended from thehabbos.

    Hello i don't quite understand why my account was suspended, Username = XXJESSY It states.. * All links MUST go to a Habbo Hotel retro, and nothing else (i.e. voting page, etc). * All sites are moderated, and are looked at. * Your ip/site may be banned from our site if it's not a Habbo...
  6. J

    [Release] UberCMS Edit , Nyan Edition

    Has exploit's in the CMS i wouldn't trust it Personally already found one after looking at the CMS for 30 seconds. Article.php $id = $bits[0]; Should be Filterd $id = mysql_real_escape_string($bits[0]);