Recent content by Habnerd

  1. Habnerd

    Help is Appreciated Xampp tutorial here. follow the video in thread.
  2. Habnerd

    Thanks for making those tutorials, made me understand a bit more about Windows Server :)

    Thanks for making those tutorials, made me understand a bit more about Windows Server :)
  3. Habnerd

    How did you find Habbo or Retros

    Back in the day I played "" but found many claims of a retro called: Bobba Hotel then later on I tried out lots of Old School Habbos which my friends and I been doin alot making and customizing using old Bloodline v3 SE and then working on HoloEmulator and PHPRetro. The first ever retro...
  4. Habnerd

    Classic Habbo - v31 - 2009 - Economy - Games - Groups - Guides & more features!

    Executables works man, but your shockwave thing do not work in 32 bit browsers
  5. Habnerd

    Retro Harry Potter Retro

    Good luck, seems interesting :)
  6. Habnerd

    [TUT] How To Portforward [TUT]

    it can be wpa 2 (as your password) you can check for it under the router
  7. Habnerd

    [REL] RainbowCMS Framework (PHP/Snowlight)

    [Weytin: said: You actually want to use this? It's not done] Yes i want!
  8. Habnerd

    [REL] RainbowCMS Framework (PHP/Snowlight)

    Hi get all work but not Pictures, login works and register etc...