Recent content by GangnamStyle

  1. GangnamStyle

    Show DevBest Simple contact form

    Nice, I'm using my own contact.php code and using your mail.php code. to connect I use this code: <form id="contactform" action="mail.php" method="post"> to connect to the Mail.php but whenever i try on my host i get the error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in...
  2. GangnamStyle

    What codes does this website use..

    Okay, I've already coded something, but not to do with Fifa. Should i make this into a project, and It looks like they use a system and they automatically updated a TOTW Every Thursday quicker than EA.
  3. GangnamStyle

    What codes does this website use..

    I haven't been on DevBest or Coding in more than a year, I left everything and thought I'd start again. I can do Advance Html,php,css,py c++. I'll do some researching. Overall thanks for your help :-) DeWitt: True they may have a system or even just a template, Like i said, I'll do some...
  4. GangnamStyle

    What codes does this website use..

    Okay, I'm not really sure any of those answer actually helped me. Sorry. I'm asking about the Requirements, You've answered saying "sql, php 5 ect," On the codes What helped. But is thier like a template or anything?
  5. GangnamStyle

    What codes does this website use..

    I don't think a Fifa website would use Xenforo Lol. I have Unlimited everything on webhosting For testing. Could anyone help give me some tips & ideas how to make? :D
  6. GangnamStyle

    What codes does this website use..

    Hey I'm making a project, and many of my friends want me to Add gaming such as Fifa & Black ops. I've seen around FIFA sites such as or I'm not sure what I'd need to be using on Language wise and How much Space I'd need. If someone can comment The requirements to make a...
  7. GangnamStyle


    Hey I'm back! just seen you telling me to give up! i've got my layout ect, ill post a picy CODE: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <style>.fade{opacity:1;transition:opacity .25s ease-in-out;-moz-transition:opacity .25s ease-in-out;-webkit-transition:opacity .25s...
  8. GangnamStyle


    Didn't you listen, it was only a maintence while i code the index you fucking twat. Suck cock
  9. GangnamStyle


    I Didn't get it from thier LOL. Plus arent you aload to like get other codes from site. I mean come on, we all learned via that?! Plus im new to coding, its my first release ect,.. Pages I've nearly done index.html Just need to add the CSS Then MySQL Stuff..
  10. GangnamStyle


    What did I RIP?
  11. GangnamStyle


    Lol, I'm serious...facepalm.jpg
  12. GangnamStyle


    Who, Me?
  13. GangnamStyle


    What I coded thier was a quick Maintiance page while i code a Index.html Page
  14. GangnamStyle


    Want the real story? We'll HERE: Yesterday Afternoon, I came of a idea, my friends agreed. They gave me a idea so i said I'll code it. So i coded it yesterday. And today I made a thread on devbest. I added some extra codes: <nav> <li><a href="#">#</a></li> <li><a href="#">#</a></li> <li><a...
  15. GangnamStyle


    I posted in this thread as Im recuiting and Having a Development on this.. So I put it here, If a Moderator or someone changes it, that's fine for me.. Plus, I coded that Yesterday when I was talking to my friends, They gave me the idea, I just added some codes towards this project. I just put...