Recent content by EllsRules123

  1. E


    Does PhoenixEMU or UberEMU work on this?
  2. E

    ButterflyRP Emulator

    Just a plain RevCMS, or do I need a specific style?
  3. E

    [Development] SimpleCMS v2.0

    What emu would work with this?
  4. E

    [RP] [RELEASE] Vice Emulator [R63]

    Yea, My RP was made by MegaSoft,
  5. E

    ButterflyRP Emulator

    Can I have a CMS for this?
  6. E

    [RP] [RELEASE] Vice Emulator [R63]

    Well, would Old AcidRP CMS work?
  7. E

    [RP] [RELEASE] Vice Emulator [R63]

    What CMS would work for this?
  8. E

    [REL] RevCMS RP edition [v26] CMS

    The client wont load for me ;(
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    [Development] SimpleCMS v2.0

    cos habbo do lol
  10. E

    Re-Release Of RealityRP CMS

    Wheres the SQL file located?