Recent content by Debianqq

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    Badgepack of 60 Badges! [RELEASE]

    Just the wrong section i think...
  2. D

    {Tut} How To Make A R64b Habbo Retro/ Latest HabboIU

    Make an tutorial how to make this online work ( IP and DOMAIN ). I am stuck at an Black screen...
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    I Use IIS, ports open. can u help me?
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    [TUT] {Noob Friendly] How to make a RevCMS R64B Hotel.

    Can anyone help me to set this up? :D
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    [TUT] {Noob Friendly] How to make a RevCMS R64B Hotel.

    Can anyone help me to set this up? skype: beau-sulaa
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    Can you help me with the R64B? Add then my skype: beau-sulaa

    Can you help me with the R64B? Add then my skype: beau-sulaa
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    Hi! I have made an R64B retroo. It works / localhost. When i try to put it online to my IP and DOMAIN i get an Black screen, no connection. On Localhost i have an Inventory bugg. What must be fixed? The Black screen, and Put it online. Who can help me? - Debianqq
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    VIP Giveaway! [Finished]

    Hi, I wanna be VIP because i dont have money to give out for VIP. If i had it, i would buy it. Good luck everyone:D