Recent content by Dann

  1. Dann

    PC Help with minecraft server

    Open a new port and then change the port on your server properties. I had this a few weeks ago and I think it's because I ran bukkit before-hand.
  2. Dann

    [REL] Badges, Web Designs & More

    Lovely index and register you've got. Simple but effective. Also, I'll be coding the register later when I come back online. Keep an eye out tomorrow for this to be updated with the release of it.
  3. Dann

    Xbox One: Microsoft unveils a next-gen console with a focus on TV

    One thing I'm majorly looking forward to is the voice control. Looks and sounds absolutely brilliant, anyways. I'd like to see what Sony could pull out to attempt to be better than this.
  4. Dann

    [CMS][PHP/MySQLi] ZipCMS

    Another question.. Will this be able to have multiple database options (like uber has butterfly and phoenix) or just one/the other?
  5. Dann

    JH CMS // r63 // PHP // SQL // A Remake Of Habbo

    It's a shame you aren't doing one from complete scratch to be honest. Looks and sounds decent anyways, good luck.
  6. Dann

    [CMS][PHP/MySQLi] ZipCMS

    Looks pretty good. Not sure whether I'd use it over UberCMS, but I haven't seen a lot of the CMS. Any extra features that the site will have on it? (e.g. news comments).
  7. Dann

    Steampunk furniture [RELEASE]

    Pm me the error you get, please. You also do the same.
  8. Dann

    Steampunk furniture [RELEASE]

    Which ones are broken? If it's the phoenix, probably because you are using "D0wnf4ll".
  9. Dann

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday. R.I.P. and have a happy 14th.
  10. Dann

    Custom RevCMS Theme

    Nice release. Love the staff page layout and I like the layout of your little vault. Only thing I don't like much is your tabs, but that's nothing. Thank you for sharing.
  11. Dann

    How can this be comfy?

    Same with me. Saying that, one of my cats even sleeps in weird positions and places..
  12. Dann

    Steampunk Furni - Part 2

    Nice release Jamie. Part 1 can be found here if anyone wants it:
  13. Dann

    Need the hablix catalogue can anyone convert?

    Just thought I'd help you out a little if you haven't done it already. Go to rz forums and add this onto the end of the url: f353/phoenix-bcstorm-database-converters-904722/ use that and fix up any missing pages, ect.
  14. Dann

    Sky Theme 2.0

    Don't like it. Small improvements to your last one, but I don't like it much. Your index + register need a bit more work and I preferred the navigation on the right than in the center.
  15. Dann

    Steampunk furniture [RELEASE]

    You obviously don't know what these are. They are furniture which you load into a database to put onto your hotel. I did not say at any point that this was BcStorm Emulator I just gave you the sql's for the bcstorm version of this furniture facepalm.jpg