Recent content by CrestHawk

  1. CrestHawk

    Atom HK - A standalone housekeeping

    Does it need a Database? Because your link to the morning star DB in the readme is down.
  2. CrestHawk

    Applicant Fansite Hosting

    @Hypothesis I’m Aaron Laudat. Whats up ^_^. Thanks for the mention and the collaboration back in the day. It’s similar, but what we had going was a lot more sophisticated. Everyone was mostly hosting retro hotels instead of fansites and everyone had their own domain. Everyone had access to the...
  3. CrestHawk

    Recruiting Experienced Retro Manager Needed [Hotel Manager]

    Aaron Laudat is the best if you can get me. Been making and managing retros for over 7 years.
  4. CrestHawk

    [REL] Zap RP Emulator 1.2.8 - Gangs - Weapon System - 35+ Commands

    I get the Session Ticket error, do you know how to fix for Zap's CMS : case "Butterfly": if(!$users->doesUserHaveTicket(USER_ID)) { $db->real_query("INSERT INTO user_tickets (userid, sessionticket, ipaddress) VALUES ('" . USER_ID . "', '" . $sso . "', '" ...
  5. CrestHawk

    Daily Updated - AstroRP2 / Plus Addons

    Release ASTRO RP with these added :P
  6. CrestHawk

    [REL] Zap RP Emulator 1.2.8 - Gangs - Weapon System - 35+ Commands

    Sir, please release the source.
  7. CrestHawk

    How Strong Is Your Computing Device? (NovaBench)

    Can I combined all of my specs? Cause I have 8 computers in my home. Comes out to about 58 GB of ram, & about 20 cores that probably average around 2.9 Ghz. Lol and don't get me started if I combined my server's specs too.
  8. CrestHawk

    [RP] [RELEASE] Vice Emulator [R63]

    & If you have the CCTV command that would help me allot. :D
  9. CrestHawk

    [RP] [RELEASE] Vice Emulator [R63]

    & Yes Visual your right. I'll edit it now.
  10. CrestHawk

    [RP] [RELEASE] Vice Emulator [R63]

    This is Job Reset: //CREST-HAWK Added/// #region :Reset Jobs case "reset_jobs": case "killjobs": //Admin Check if (!Session.HasRight("hotel_admin"))...
  11. CrestHawk

    [RP] [RELEASE] Vice Emulator [R63]

    Sure. This is staff reset. #region :Reset Staff case "reset_staff": case "remove_staff": //This will check if your a RP Admin which allows you to use this command if (!Session.HasRight("hotel_admin"))...
  12. CrestHawk

    [RP] [RELEASE] Vice Emulator [R63]

    Thats awesome; Also CCTV , & I'm gonna work on a command that allows you to basically transform into a Super Habbo. Your entire clothing will change and you'll have added Health & Body armor and the higher you level, the hire Health, Energy, Strength, and Armor you will have. Also, I added Staff...
  13. CrestHawk

    [RP] [RELEASE] Vice Emulator [R63]

    A bunch of commands, I can't name all of them. Some basic commands I added were Locate X for cops, Unstun, Stun. & I added allot of buy and sell commands. I also added user tags that show your current, energy, health, and what your carrying.
  14. CrestHawk

    [RP] [RELEASE] Vice Emulator [R63]

    Well I love it lol, but I managed to make it crash after adding some commands. I think its a certain command or it could be the way my DB is setup, because it ran for 12 hours before the first crash, then after that it crashed in under an hour.