Gay Marriage


Jun 20, 2013
Surprised that there wasn't a thread for this in the Debate section.

What is your opinion on gay marriage?

I think that if someone loves someone else very much, they should be able to get married; whether it be a man and a woman, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. This does not mean that I support human-animal marriage (which I don't) or any of the other crap that righty politicians try to use as an excuse of their real reason which is "cus muh saveyor told meh so durr". Letting a 3500-year-old book dictate how you form your thoughts and reasoning is dangerous and ignorant, especially when you're a political leader.


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
I think that marriage should remain a religious thing, and that it shouldn't be up to the Government to force churches on who and who they should not marry. However, I have no problem with a civil union between two individuals, as that is Government matter, and not a religious one.


Jun 20, 2013
I think that marriage should remain a religious thing, and that it shouldn't be up to the Government to force churches on who and who they should not marry. However, I have no problem with a civil union between two individuals, as that is Government matter, and not a religious one.
Assigning same-sex couples to a status other than marriage breaks the promise of equality. Also, a civil union has to be explained and does not get the same respect as a marriage. Marriage should not be directly linked with religion, especially when you're talking about it in a legal sentiment.

Churches should not have to be forced to perform marriage ceremonies with anyone. If a gay couple wants to be married, they should either do it non-religiously or find a church that's accepting of homosexuality.


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
Assigning same-sex couples to a status other than marriage breaks the promise of equality.
As long as you have the same benefits under the law that married couples do, you're in no way being neglected.
Also, a civil union has to be explained and does not get the same respect as a marriage.
A civil union not getting the same respect as marriage is not an equal rights issue, but a societal issue.
Marriage should not be directly linked with religion, especially when you're talking about it in a legal sentiment. Or at least that's my opinion.
Marriage is a religious thing. You can't simply make something not religious to suit your own agenda and beliefs.

As for legal ramifications, it's basically the same thing as marriage - the only difference is that it's called something different, and directly related to the Government, and not the Church.


Jun 20, 2013
As long as you have the same benefits under the law that married couples do, you're in no way being neglected.
When I said equality, I was referring to one of the rights listed in the Declaration of Independance. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.". The founders of the United States were committed to establishing a government that would guarantee equality to all individuals under the rule of law and security for liberty under the law. Civil unions break this promise of equality.

A civil union not getting the same respect as marriage is not an equal rights issue, but a societal issue.
That is more the reason not to have a civil union system in America.

Marriage is a religious thing. You can't simply make something not religious to suit your own agenda and beliefs. As for legal ramifications, it's basically the same thing as marriage - the only difference is that it's called something different, and directly related to the Government, and not the Church.
Religious marriage is a subset of state marriage. You can get married without a church but you can't get married without the state. If it were strictly religious, it would go against the Constitution.


Staff member
Nov 16, 2010
I have a feeling a thread like this has been previously created, however cba to find it.

I think it should be allowed, if two people want to be together then why not?
Obviously in some religions it is against their 'belief', but two people that have feelings towards each other, it cannot be stopped (well it can but that's another story)


maging ang maganda mamatay
Jun 4, 2010
Churches should not have to be forced to perform marriage ceremonies with anyone.
Nobody is saying to force churches to marry same sex couples.. You can get married without a church.

I think if they love each other, why not let them get married. Who are we to stand in the way of love?


Aug 9, 2012
Who cares if gays or lesbians get married. Marriage shouldn't even have anything to do with the government or religious groups. Everyone makes sure a big deal out of it, it's like who really cares and who says it's your decisions to make?


The OGz
Aug 4, 2010
I'm sure there is a thread about this already however I am gay myself however I don't believe in gay marriage that much simply because it was created by religion and If I'm correct Gay men and woman is an abomination to society so why should "We" intrude on this belief.


Marriage is abused now E.G Men and Woman being divorced leading to breaking vows. Gay people being married isn't much different so maybe it should be considered under the churches discretion but I still think the Gay society should stay with Civil Partnership.


PHP and C# Developer. Project Saturn Coming!
Jul 4, 2010
It's complete bullshit in my eyes, and the government shouldn't be able to change what marriage is. I feel as though it's being shoved down my throat to be okay with gay marriage, and in somewhat this whole gay marriage thing is very annoying. There's protest, judgments, and it's being forced on people. If you're gay nobody cares, be gay you don't have to tell the world and not everyone has to accept it.


Jun 20, 2013
It's complete bullshit in my eyes, and the government shouldn't be able to change what marriage is. I feel as though it's being shoved down my throat to be okay with gay marriage, and in somewhat this whole gay marriage thing is very annoying. There's protest, judgments, and it's being forced on people. If you're gay nobody cares, be gay you don't have to tell the world and not everyone has to accept it.
Alright, lets break this post down.

It's complete bullshit in my eyes, and the government shouldn't be able to change what marriage is.
Government is law. Marriage by the United States law's definition is "The legal union of a couple as spouses. The basic elements of a marriage are: (1) the parties' legal ability to marry each other, (2) mutual consent of the parties, and (3) a marriage contract as required by law. " ( ). However, the law is meant to be challenged. It's not just the government that is trying to push gay marriage, millions of others are as well.

I feel as though it's being shoved down my throat to be okay with gay marriage, and in somewhat this whole gay marriage thing is very annoying.
Then why post in this thread? Anyways, gay marriage is no different from any other controversial era of people pushing to get a law to be changed or an amendment to be added, such as women's suffrage, slavery, abortion, copyright laws (anonymous and many others), etc. Like I said above, the law is meant to be challenged, and this is an act of that. If you deem it 'annoying', then I suppose it's your opinion, but it makes you seem like an asshole.

There's protest, judgments, and it's being forced on people.
I don't know what you mean when you say "judgements", so I'm going to ignore it. Gay marriage is not being forced upon anyone (however if it is there are hotlines you should call). The government isn't forcing you to marry another male. However, if you're talking in a society-related sense, gay marriage is being televised and published because there are about 30 states in the United States that are oppressing and demeaning same-sex couples by not allowing them to marry.

If you're gay nobody cares, be gay you don't have to tell the world and not everyone has to accept it.
None of these three statements have to do with the topic.

In conclusion, all of you statements aren't factual and you have no sources to back you up. 3/10, shitty post.

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PHP and C# Developer. Project Saturn Coming!
Jul 4, 2010
Alright, lets break this post down.

Government is law. Marriage by the United States law's definition is "The legal union of a couple as spouses. The basic elements of a marriage are: (1) the parties' legal ability to marry each other, (2) mutual consent of the parties, and (3) a marriage contract as required by law. " ( ). However, the law is meant to be challenged. It's not just the government that is trying to push gay marriage, millions of others are as well.

Then why post in this thread? Anyways, gay marriage is no different from any other controversial era of people pushing to get a law to be changed or an amendment to be added, such as women's suffrage, slavery, abortion, copyright laws (anonymous and many others), etc. Like I said above, the law is meant to be challenged, and this is an act of that. If you deem it 'annoying', then I suppose it's your opinion, but it makes you seem like an asshole.

I don't know what you mean when you say "judgements", so I'm going to ignore it. Gay marriage is not being forced upon anyone (however if it is there are hotlines you should call). The government isn't forcing you to marry another male. However, if you're talking in a society-related sense, gay marriage is being televised and published because there are about 30 states in the United States that are oppressing and demeaning same-sex couples by not allowing them to marry.

None of these three statements have to do with the topic.

In conclusion, all of you statements are opinionated and you have no sources to back you up. 3/10, shitty post.


Loool, "What is your opinion on gay marriage?" Maybe you were just looking for something you want to hear and not someones actual opinion. My usual post to a thread like this, I'd try to preference it by trying to please those that do and don't agree, but I'm done with that as it seems others don't really care about others beliefs, so if you didn't want others opinions don't post a thread asking for it.


Aug 29, 2013
Well I myself have taken gay marriage and tried it with a team of scientists the experiment included 2 magnets we tried to put north and north together and south and south but didnt work just like gay marriage doesnt


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
It doesn't bother me since it isn't me personally. If they want to get married so be it, just, don't make a big deal about by going on the news or such. I would think the US Const. calls for equality and the same rights. I could be wrong but isn't that proof the government is contradicting themselves?


Many men wish death upon me.
Jun 16, 2011
Government shouldn't bring in their own beliefs to what's right and what's not. Many of the people opposing gay marriage do it because their religion forbids it. However, gays should be looked upon by the government as normal people, thereby making their marriage legal as any other. Do I support the 'act' of being gay? No. Would I legalize gay marriage if I held a government position? Yes, because it would be my duty to look upon people as equal to the law. You can't oppress people for being gay, just like you can't for speaking out against the president. While I get that marriage may be a religious thing, I also would hypothetically represent people who don't follow my religion, and it would be my responsiblity under the oath to serve all.
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Jun 1, 2013
If a guy wants to marry another guy and then so be it. Why does the "government" need to get involved. Every body should have the opportunity to not only get married but to do what they want with there lives. This is the 21st century, if you don't like something keep you head and your pipe shut, keep walking.

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